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Application cases of mechanism sand and water industry

According to the characteristics of the sand industry, Xingyuan Filtration has independently developed this set of "sand wastewater treatment and reuse system", which has low equipment investment and operation cost, low energy consumption, simple and convenient operation, complete recycling of wastewater, and zero discharge of sand washing wastewater. It provides important technical support for China's mechanism sand wastewater treatment!

How it works:

The fine sand is separated from the machine-made sand wastewater by a fine sand separator, and enters a fine sand dehydrator for dehydration treatment to fully recover fine sand with economic value; after the muddy water overflows, chemical flocculation is added, and the supernatant can be directly discharged or reused for sand washing; and the mud can be used as building filler or used for building material production after dehydration and reduction.

Process flow diagram


● Save water resources: waste water recycling, only need to supplement a small amount of river water to complete the sand washing water cycle;

● Saving land resources: the system area is reduced to 1/3~1/5 of the original;

● Resource utilization: filter cake produced by filter press (mainly composed of fine sand, etc.) can be used as building materials without pollution;

● Low operating cost: The daily operating cost of general small sand field equipment is only about 100 yuan.

● Low project investment: process design according to local conditions and specific conditions of sand field greatly reduces equipment investment;

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